Shoes have been part of our everyday life for thousands of years. However, we have never used so many of them and have not thrown them away as often as in the last quarter of a century. Because they look old. Because they're dirty. Because they are not comfortable. Because they are out of fashion. Because they are worn out. Because they're not attractive anymore. Back in the 20th century, there was a shoemaker on every street of a big city or a small town. Today it's an exclusive and rare service. To produce one pair of shoes you need, depending on the method, either a lot of energy or a lot of human work. It takes many thousands of litres of water. And it requires raw materials: natural leather (most often cattle one) or artificial - polyurethane matter from crude oil, or textile materials such as cotton produced on monoculture plantations. Strong polyester threads, adhesives based on oil solvents, rubber or other polymers for the soles are needed too. In addition, metal fittings, cardboard and thermosetting strengthening elements, paints. The average European uses seven (!) pairs of shoes a year. And all of this is thrown away every year as co-mingled waste. Not for recycling. All of it. It's overflowing with thousands of tons, returning to soil what was taken from it. Returning in the form of toxic elements of decomposition.